Exploding with thoughts...
First, we have a paper factory in the area and it smells like ass. The whole building at work smells terrible. Whenever the wind shifts, we get the pleasure of smelling it. While I am talking about smells, there is a corn syrup plant near my house and it smells like Alpo...burnt Alpo. Why can't we have crisp, clean-smelling air?
Second, whoever made the toilet paper that we have a work should be shot. It appears to be 2-ply and one side has what looks like braile. It frickin' hurts if you forget to flip to the other side. I am considering filing a grievance :D
Third, is anyone out there a Flybaby? If you are, are you actually flying? I want to get back into it tomorrow. I mean....actually reading the emails (instead of deleting them) and following my schedule. The only thing that I am having trouble with is that I work 3rd shift. Marla, dear, you need to come up with an altered plan of attack for us night owls. I don't think my husband would appreciate me vacuuming at midnight.
Fourth, DUDE...that toilet paper really hurts....oh yeah...I already mentioned that.
Fifth, I am fat! "Hello, my name is Melanie and I LOVE to eat!" I ordered my Blend Gear and am going to make a concerted effort to get back to the gym. Julie said that if you say you can't do something, then you really didn't want to. Well, now it is time to JUST DO IT. As long as IT is something, I don't care what IT is.
Well, that's about it for now. Get off your ass and go do something productive! :)