We've got a bleeder...
Yeppers, we have a hematoma! Since my tranquilized pup can manage to "will" himself to not be sleepy and still run around like a hooligan, he managed to bruise his sac. He is back on more antibiotics so his now-empty sac doesn't rot off AND we have more tranquilizers...he gets two at a time this time around. I will have to get a picture because he looks paaaathetic. His eyes get so droopy and then he just kind of falls over. He just cannot appreciate the fact that dopey is good. The vet wanted us to lock him in his kennel with the "satellite dish" around his neck. Those things are just mean....watching him bonk his way around the house....trying to get water when his face can't reach the water. I am back on the air mattress to keep a watchful eye on him. Needless to say, I am not getting a restful sleep. Every time he moves, I wake up. It's like having a newborn. I know the vet is trying to blame this on me but I wasn't having it. "His stitches are out." "How can that be? They are internal and then he is glued." "Oh. He must be licking back here (his butt.....my dog does NOT lick his butt...his lipstick maybe...but definitely not his butt) because it is not healing like it should. It is puckering." (Yeah, my butt would pucker too if you were poking around it!) "Well, when we were in here last time, they said it was healing nicely. He had been scootching on the carpet because I have been picking wads of carpet out of his butt." (Duh, don't you read my Blog?????)
Mel, I am so sorry to hear about your pooch's, pouch or lack of, or the swelling of it. I know you'll take good care of him and try to get some rest in the process. Everything will be o.k.
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