Sunday, November 27, 2005

I agree with BLAH

and more BLAH! It is totally crappy weather here in blissful Dayton. Fifty+ degrees, overcast, misty.....and just utter crap.

I am still wearing my awesome, new, JCPenney special, fleece pajamas (yes, it's 4:30 p.m.). I have completed a few rows on my afghan....and that's about it.

I had a super duper pooper of a Thanksgiving Day. The only positive was that I made double time at work. I have Christmas off so I am taking control. If it's a flop, I'll take the blame.

I had a nice day with Hubby yesterday. We went to the Olive Garden and the food was most tasty. I have discovered that I really like martinis. So much, in fact, that I am in the market for a martini set.

"So, are you going to take up drinking as a hobby?"

"Yes, I think I am. Just think how lucky you'll get."

"Oh. Well you can blow me anytime you want. Just let me know so that I can wipe the sweat off of my balls."

What a romantic. He just sweeps me right off of my feet.

Anyway, I would like to try Oprah's Pomegranate Martini. It sounds yummy!

1 1/2 cups of pomegranate juice
2 oz. Absolute Citron vodka OR white tequila
1 oz. Cointreau liquor
Cup of ice
Optional: Splash of sparkling water
Optional: Squeeze of lemon

Shake ingredients in a shaker and put in a chilled martini glass. Put pomegranate fruit into glass as a garnish.

I am thinking that one will give me a good buzz and two will have me running naked down the street.....ENJOY.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Birthday Shout Out

I am making a point to remind you all that Karenna's birthday is today. Why? Because I have seen it posted in several Blogs ;) If she is like me, she is very proud that today is her birthday and she would like everyone to know it. Not for the presents, cards, and well wishes....just for the mere fact that it is a day to be celebrated. It is another milestone. It symbolizes another year that you have survived. You woke up with a heartbeat and have the wonderful opportunity to experience LIFE! All kidding aside, I hope she has/had a fantastic Nebraska.

On a serious note, I did not get the job. It's okay, though. I am not devastated or even broken-hearted for that matter. I would have been more disappointed if I didn't try! I have applied for another job at my current workplace so we'll see how that goes.

Mom is coming to visit tomorrow, spur of the moment kind of thing. I love my Mommy!!!!

Picture this....a grown man who does a silly little head-bob when the theme song from "Legally Blonde" plays AND sits quietly with his hands clasped and a goofy grin on his face while he watches the movie. Yep, that's my Hubby. I love my Hubby!!!!

Hope you had a great weekend and an even better week!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Interactive Blogging

I always enjoy getting emails that you have to answer questions about yourself. Usually, they are pretty much the same questions but occasionally there is a new question. So, I thought I would come up with some and give you my answers.

What is your favorite perfume/cologne? Philosophy's Amazing Grace

When is your birthday? December 13th

What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving Day

Where were you when you got your first kiss? In the middle of a roller-skating rink

What is your absolute favorite song? Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes"

What is your best physical attribute? My eyes

What activity do you truly enjoy? Scuba diving

Which of your online friends can you identify with the most? K

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Little Diva

This is just the cutest! It made me smile :D

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I finally received my results from my test. Can you believe that it took 7.5 weeks? Wow. It got me to think about all of the things that we wait for: waiting in lines at the supermarket, waiting in lines at the bank, waiting for a table at a restaurant, waiting for your tax refund, waiting for a baby to be born, waiting for your computer to boot up, waiting for election results, waiting to see if you get into a school that you've applied to, waiting for a loan to go through, waiting for K and Jess to move to Dayton.....waiting, waiting, waiting!

Speaking of waiting for election results.....the Mayoral candidate that I voted for did not get elected. He lost by 10%. I was bummed. The current Mayor is running our City into the ground. On a happy note, one of the jackasses that fired me did NOT get re-elected. HA! That'll learn ya for falling asleep during my hearing, ASSHOLE!!!

Here's another Hubby funny for ya:

"I got you a surprise."

"Is it a pony?"

**Yes, Darling, I put it in the garage**

Oh, now that I made YOU wait, did you want to know if I passed???? Well, let's just say that I get a raise and a new title. :D

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Forgive me, Honey!

I love quoting my Husband because he brings me so much joy that I have to pass it on.

His latest:

"The E-Ring is my new JAG. That Benjamin Bratt is the sexiest thang to come along since Harmon Raab. He's dead sexy (rubs nipples)."

Yeah, the "eye candy" reference was directed towards me. Well, he is pretty to look at.

I feel that I must apologize publicly for the yogurt pants. For those of you that I deceived into thinking they were awesome-fitting pants.....well, not so much. They run waaaaaaaaayyyy small. But, they were such a GREAT deal. I am a sucker for good deals......I am broke, you know. So, if I go on a starvation diet, my "good deal" clothes will fit......LOL.

Hubby's birthday was on the 2nd (38th...the old fart). His parents took us out for Mexican food....yummy. Afterwards, we went to Kroger's and bought a cake. I know, I know....I should have baked one but I worked the night before. Or in a perfect world....we would have eaten EFL cheesecake....nah, nah, nah....this is my story...HA. Anyway, we ate the WHOLE cake in less than 24 hours. I was in a carb coma the next day. The even funnier part is that I lost a couple of pounds. I am a bad influence. I drink (not so much anymore), I swear (picked that up from the Fire Dept.), and I eat sugar.....lots of it.

Had an interview on Friday. I think that it went well. Keep me in your thoughts.....PLEASE!

Election Day is on Tuesday. Read up on your local issues and get out there and vote. It's your right!

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