Thursday, July 06, 2006

What have I been up to?

I really don't know but time sure has flown by. I remember sending Jess an email, not getting a response, sending another email because I got worried (she always emails me back pretty quick), getting a response that said she had been really busy, and then I kinda went AWOL. Not purposely, mind you. I have been pretty busy at work. Good for recipients....bad for donor families. Do you know what it's like to have death on the brain for at least 36 hours/week? It is really draining sometimes. Some of the families are so communicative that it feels like we are just old friends talking about a family member that died. Some are really "business-like" and just want to get me off the phone. Then there are the very emotional ones that sometimes I even get teary-eyed. It's hard to talk on the phone because I'm not sure if they can "feel" how grateful I am for their donation or sorry I am for their loss.

Anyway, I applied for a job at one of our local hospitals to take pictures of infants. You know...the pics that are taken after they are born. I think it sounds like so much fun. Babies are cool. I would like to see the opposite of death. I think I need it for emotional uplifting. Wish me luck.

I had my evaluation yesterday....I got a raise....yippee. I got dinked for being "direct, straightforward, honest." Sounds good, right? Actual meaning....I tell it like it is. Funny thing is that I got fired from my other job because they said I lied. Ummmm, yeah.....I don't lie. If anything, I am too honest. I don't; however, play well with others. I have strong work ethics and I guess I expect other to have them also. Forced perfectionism? Maybe.

I worked on the 4th of July. Hubby and his friends tempted fate and played with fireworks. He had a good time. I missed out. Oh, the joys of shiftwork.

Other than that...I don't really know too much. Haven't even enjoyed the sun yet. Again....the joys of shift(shit)work.

Keep smiling :D


At 10:05 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

Interesting to find out what you do..WOW..quite the job. I understand what you mean about dealing with death all the time being tiring.. I sometimes find myself weary dealing with all that goes along with the ravages of dementia & Allzeheimers.. where I am ..eventual death.. akk sorry getting heavy here..
Nice to see ya around tho' hope you get out into the sunshine too! -shift work is tricky isn't it?
Congrats on the good reveiw :D

take care hon!

At 8:01 AM, Blogger zooman said...

Hi Mel, glad to see you have posted. It's been a few days,lol.If you get the new job I suppose it won't be shift work will it? You do a great service for a lot of people and I just wanted to say thank you.

At 4:46 PM, Blogger Stef said...

Hey Mel~

My mom did the baby photo thing several years ago....she loved it!

She would come home each morning and talk about this cute little baby or that cute little baby! It was an awesome job for her. Good luck!


At 10:12 PM, Blogger K. Marie said...

Congrats on the raise! I got your messages, BTW, just haven't called ya yet. :-D


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