Friday, September 29, 2006

It's the little things

that make me smile......

When my mom says "I love you and I'm proud of you"

When my husband leaves for work and I can still smell him in the house

When my puppies jump in bed and cuddle with us

When I know I have comforted a grieving family (because they told me so)

When I call my grandma every week and hear her voice

When I hug my mother-in-law and feel her soft cheek against mine

When my husband acts like he's sleeping, peeks at me, then closes his eyes when I look at him

When I am out and about and find wrappers in my purse or pockets compliments of Hubby

When Hunter brings his stuffed bull to bed

And many, many more.

Friday, September 15, 2006


I remember when they used to mean something. I got called about the baby photo job but it didn't go anywhere because they needed people on the weekends. That's when I work my full-time job. I miss working "normal" hours. I have been getting up at 0630 to make Hubby coffee and pack his lunch. I like doing that. I am sort of an "all-day" kind of person. Not just a "morning" or "night" person. I can adapt to anything really....except for working 3rd shift at my current job. I really don't enjoy it. If I could get out of the office to see people, it would be different. If I wouldn't lose so much in differential pay, I would work days. At least I would have a little more interaction with other people. I do enjoy working with the people I work with (most of them). But there is usually only 2 (sometimes 3) of us working at a time. I have not been able to get my TS business off and running due to my schedule. I did really well with PL until I started this job. I was hoping things would be different this time. If you know of anyone who is interested, have them give me a holler.

I can't believe that it is already the middle of September. I did not do one single summer-type activity. I don't know where the time went. It is already getting dark earlier and the temperatures are getting cooler. I'm guessing that other people are staying busy because they aren't really writing too many updates on their blogs. I think a lot of it has to do with companies banning the ability to blog too.

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving Day. I want to cook this year. I make a mean turkey and dressing...oh...and gravy too. Who am I kidding? Everything I make is good. Mmmmmmmm......Thanksgiving dinner.

Nothing much of interest today. Just blah blah blahgging :) Have a wonderful weekend.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Blog? What blog? Oh yeah, my blog.

Over a month I am. Things have been like a roller coaster. Earlier in the summer, Hubby had been working at a really nice temp job that he liked a lot. He inspected parts for a company contracted by GM. He was usually home by 2:00 p.m. and loved that. Well, the automotive industry shuts down for ~2 weeks during the summer which moola. He got a nice little break which turned into a longer break. When you're a temp, you are pretty low on the totem pole. If there is no work, they don't call you in. That does not put food on the table. Back to the drawing board. Unemployment is super high in Ohio and it is quite difficult to find a job. A lightbulb finally went on in my little pea brain. An ex-beau's mom works for a local temp agency. The boyfriend thing didn't work out but I have continued to keep in touch with his mom and sister. I sent his mom an email and asked if she could help. But of course. She got him set up with TWC within 2 weeks. She is absolutely fabulous! Hopefully, he will be hired on full-time soon. Yippee.

My Honda Passport had been acting up off and on for several weeks. It finally started to act up all the time so I took it to the shop. It is a 2000 and only has 48,000 miles on it. It was not shifting well between 1st and 2nd or 2nd and 1st and would continue to roll back after reversing and putting into drive. When I took it in, they initially thought it would just need an accumulator shield ($260). It was leaking transmission fluid. After replacing the accumulator shield, they called and stated that I would need a new transmission ($3,000). Hubby had taken the call because I was in the shower. He relayed the message and I thought I must have heard him incorrectly....must have had shampoo or a bar of soap in my ears. "Huh?" He repeated it. "Are you frickin' joking? Did you yell? It only has 48,000 miles on it." Well, I called back and I yelled. "Blah, blah, blah......I feel like I am being bent over and I don't appreciate it......blah, blah, blah." I gotta give the man props. He remained calm and professional and just let me vent. Honda came through for me (I think). I had to pay for the labor (which wasn't cheap) but was only 1/3 of what I would have had to pay.

On said roller coaster, I ate out of frustration and packed on a few more pounds. Again, back to the drawing board. I started watching what I eat this week and have already lost about 8 pounds in water weight. The only thing I am craving is potato chips. Back when I was doing BFL fully, I would make baked fries with my turkey burgers. Once I made them into slices really thin and made my own potato chips. They were quite yummy.

I took a test for the USPS yesterday. What a silly test. I got a book from the library to study up on techniques for getting a good score. Yeah, I am a goober. They are hiring Rural Carrier Associates. What is that, you ask? It is where you deliver mail one day a week. Yes, I wrote ONE. Also, I would possibly have to use my own vehicle. You can get hired full-time after working 90 shifts or 1 year...whichever comes first. No benefits, no nothing. This was explained at the test site. Needless to say, some people got up and left. Honestly, if I hadn't already worked the night before, got 1.5 hours of sleep prior to, and then drove to take the test, I would have left too. I went out of my way to be there so I might as well stay. I am chalking it up as experience.....and 3 hours of my time that I will never get back :P

The "project" that I had mentioned a few posts back was put on delay for a bit. Hopefully, I will be able to update soon.

Other than that.....I've got nothin'........

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