Friday, November 18, 2005

Interactive Blogging

I always enjoy getting emails that you have to answer questions about yourself. Usually, they are pretty much the same questions but occasionally there is a new question. So, I thought I would come up with some and give you my answers.

What is your favorite perfume/cologne? Philosophy's Amazing Grace

When is your birthday? December 13th

What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving Day

Where were you when you got your first kiss? In the middle of a roller-skating rink

What is your absolute favorite song? Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes"

What is your best physical attribute? My eyes

What activity do you truly enjoy? Scuba diving

Which of your online friends can you identify with the most? K


At 7:32 PM, Blogger K. Marie said...


What is your favorite perfume/cologne? Right now, Victoria's Secret Rapture -- V.S. Halo in the warm months

When is your birthday? Today! Nov. 20

What is your favorite holiday? Christmas

Where were you when you got your first kiss? In a movie theater, watching Dances with Wolves

What is your absolute favorite song? Every Breath You Take -- The Police

What is your best physical attribute? My neck/collar bone region

What activity do you truly enjoy? Driving cross-country by myself

Which of your online friends can you identify with the most? Jess, Karla, Mel, Janel -- too many.

Appliance -- A can-opener: Everyone opens up to me.

At 3:21 PM, Blogger PartTimeMom said...

What is your favorite perfume/cologne? Fredrick's of Hollywood

When is your birthday? January 4th

What is your favorite holiday? Christmas

Where were you when you got your first kiss? First kiss - on the playground at school. First 'real(ish)' kiss at the roller rink. First 'curl your toes oh THIS is what a kiss is like' kiss, in the cab of my fiance's truck.

What is your absolute favorite song? I don't know :)

What is your best physical attribute? Honestly? My boobs in mixed company... it's my eyes.

What activity do you truly enjoy? Horseback riding

Which of your online friends can you identify with the most? Can't say - I identify with different ones for different reasons.

thanks for this it was fun!

At 2:46 PM, Blogger KC said...

I haven't read anyone else's reply, so if I per chance copy, it's not on purpose.

perfume: I don't wear perfume. Just B&B works sprays.

birhday: Sept 18

Holiday: Christmas

First kiss: I assume you mean a peck and not the French variety. If so, out on the playground at recess. Last year. Kidding.

Favorite song: That's hard. Hey Jude maybe?

best physical attribute: tits?

Activity I enjoy: Answering questions about myself. And playing board games, especially trivia. lame, I know. should be mountain climbing or similar.

Online friends I identify with: I have truly identifies with you all at some time or another, but if I had to pick one, probably Mary (wecandoit).


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