Sunday, November 27, 2005

I agree with BLAH

and more BLAH! It is totally crappy weather here in blissful Dayton. Fifty+ degrees, overcast, misty.....and just utter crap.

I am still wearing my awesome, new, JCPenney special, fleece pajamas (yes, it's 4:30 p.m.). I have completed a few rows on my afghan....and that's about it.

I had a super duper pooper of a Thanksgiving Day. The only positive was that I made double time at work. I have Christmas off so I am taking control. If it's a flop, I'll take the blame.

I had a nice day with Hubby yesterday. We went to the Olive Garden and the food was most tasty. I have discovered that I really like martinis. So much, in fact, that I am in the market for a martini set.

"So, are you going to take up drinking as a hobby?"

"Yes, I think I am. Just think how lucky you'll get."

"Oh. Well you can blow me anytime you want. Just let me know so that I can wipe the sweat off of my balls."

What a romantic. He just sweeps me right off of my feet.

Anyway, I would like to try Oprah's Pomegranate Martini. It sounds yummy!

1 1/2 cups of pomegranate juice
2 oz. Absolute Citron vodka OR white tequila
1 oz. Cointreau liquor
Cup of ice
Optional: Splash of sparkling water
Optional: Squeeze of lemon

Shake ingredients in a shaker and put in a chilled martini glass. Put pomegranate fruit into glass as a garnish.

I am thinking that one will give me a good buzz and two will have me running naked down the street.....ENJOY.


At 10:26 AM, Blogger K. Marie said...

heheheheheh ... vodka brings out my inner porn star. One of these days, my hubby will catch on and get me Stoli's for my birthday. ;-)

What's a row? :-P

At 11:12 AM, Blogger KC said...

yummy...martinis. I thought the same thing as Jess..where the hell does one find pomgranate juice? Of course, I can't even find Butter Buds in our grocery store.

Your hubby sounds like mine. (warning-xrated). He likes to show me how his schlong is sticking to his balls (after a long day of work), and then slowly peels it off of his balls for me to see. And THEN wants me to have sex. It's such a turn on, I tell you.

It's 60 degrees in Indiana now...but dark and raining and gloomy. I bet it's going to get cold tonight...yay for fleece pajamas!

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Melanie said... has it for $3.99. I would imagine that you can buy it at any health food store or gourmet supermarket. If you try them, let me know what you think!

At 5:35 PM, Blogger PartTimeMom said...

I don't think I've ever had a martini. I AM however a HUGE fan of the Olive Garden Italian Margarita...

and I'm with you karenna - vodka spikes my labito for some strange reason.

BWT - that is SO something my fiance would say.. lol

At 5:10 PM, Blogger carolakabb said...

OMG -- laughing too hard at what Vodka does for all us bloggers! Yeah, that peeling the schlong off the balls is sexy alright :P! lol!

At 3:42 AM, Blogger Tracey said...

I love chocolate martinis and not one either - like 8 of them and yes that can get me into trouble. I saw that pomegranite concoction too & would love to try it.

What is with guys & their dinkey birds? He's makes stupid funny faces out of it - glasses, pieces of food, cigars, takes pictures, puts them up as wallpaper on the computer. What if I start thinking about it as a Mr. Potatoe-Head instead of the sexual object its supposed to be? I want a firm, solid sexual object, not a sweaty flacid Mr. Potatoe Head nose with ears, eyes & a scarf. These "fun" little scenarios NEVER end with "do you want to have sex". What are they thinking?


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