Friday, February 24, 2006


Yes, you read that correctly...DINK (Double Income No Kids). We are now both employed.

I believe in the power of positive thinking...I believe in prayer...but, most importantly, I believe in my marriage. We have been through a very rough past couple of years and we are finally getting the chance to surface for air. We only knew each other less than a month before I proposed to him and we got married six months to the day that we met. He is definitely the man I was supposed to marry. I have been on an emotional roller-coaster for quite a while. I have been stressed, angry, resentful, sad, depressed and probably any other negative emotion you could possibly think of. He allowed me to yell, cry, and pretty much be a complete psycho bitch. I love him with all of my heart and I know that we will have a lasting marriage. He is my best friend.

Thank you Jess and KarEnna for being there for me the other day. Thanks also to all my buddies for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

Side note: I just read about Stef and Russ' situation. It is rough as hell going through something like that. I know from experience. Please put them in your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Is that spelled S-C-H-? No, see the C-H is silent. Matter-of-fact, it is so silent that it's not even there. Hubby comes up with some great comebacks, huh? Boy, can people screw up names or what. They ALWAYS spell our name S-Y-N-D-E-R. Huh? Did I say "Synder"? Get "Hooked On Phonics" people. How bad do people screw up your name?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Oranges, Bananas, and Splenda...Oh, my!

Yes, I eat them all the time
Yes, I love them and I'm fine
One, two, and sometimes three
Try them too and then you'll see
Proteins, Carbs, and Fats will work
Can't you see that I'm a dork?

Oh, yeah! We are back on the wagon food-wise and feeling good. I am starting to lose the lethargy and will be able to work out soon. I am now peeing clear and the insomnia is returning. I get so frickin' wired when I eat properly. It's awesome!!!

For those of you who asked, "flying" comes from being a Flybaby. You can become a Flybaby by visiting Check out the dusters while you are there. They are fabulous.

Well, I'm off like a prom dress......(I gotta pee!)

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