Sunday, February 12, 2006


Is that spelled S-C-H-? No, see the C-H is silent. Matter-of-fact, it is so silent that it's not even there. Hubby comes up with some great comebacks, huh? Boy, can people screw up names or what. They ALWAYS spell our name S-Y-N-D-E-R. Huh? Did I say "Synder"? Get "Hooked On Phonics" people. How bad do people screw up your name?


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Mari said...

Well I get Mary or Marie the most. I guess it is hard to sound out Mari. My last name is french Rondeau and for that they get all kins of combos.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger K. Marie said...

The telemarketers can't pronounce "Joshua" for the life of them.

Even the "English-as-a-native-language" ones. And Awtry (as in Gene, but a w instead of u) gets turned into "Artery."

For the record, my first name is pronounced with a long "E," Kar-E-nna, not a soft "e." :-)

At 6:21 AM, Blogger Stef said...

Wow, I am learning all sorts of things. I thought Supa K's name was pronounced with a soft "e". I thought at first that Janel's name was pronounced JAN-ul, not Ja-NELLE. Snyder is easy and Jess Wright must be your on air name. My last name is PYLE like Gomer, but people spell it PLYE.

Stef :-)

At 3:24 PM, Blogger DG said...

My maiden name is Woerner. (pronounced warner in english). Holy cow did people mess that one up. First day of class every year I could tell it was me when they'd start with Wwwwweeeeerrrr.....

I still automatically spell my first and last name, just in case.

A girl's name in my class is Dieffenbach, her maiden name is Scheumann, she said she thought of hyphenating just to piss pepole

At 3:26 PM, Blogger DG said...

Oh! I have another one with names.

My oldest son's name is Kody, which is actually his middle name. Depending on the degree of trouble he is in, it goes from Kody to Josh to Joshua. Screws with people all the time. They just have this blank look and say "I thought his name is Kody". Add into the mix that his last name is different than the rest of the family (from a previous marriage) and you have one confused kid!

At 12:02 PM, Blogger zooman said...

What can I say, my last name is Cook. I never have no fun!

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Christie said...

My maiden name is Black, and you would NOT believe how many people have said, "and how do you spell that?" Ummm, like the flippin color!! DUH!

At 2:25 PM, Blogger KC said...

Whenever I give my name, I automatically say "It's Karla, with a K" because everyone wants to spell it Carla. Which, I understand why cuz that's more common. But it sounds like a pick up line when I say that:

"Hi, it's Karla.

with a K.


And actually, I did use that as a opening line when I was single. I was very creative.


At 2:26 PM, Blogger KC said...

Oh, and good to know about Karenna. I'm going to have to totally change my mindset when I think your name.

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Alex Trenoweth said...

I always worry that people call me "persa-fone". In fact, I think I would bet on quite a few people calling me Persa-fone. Per-SEF-fonee. Not that you needed to be told or anything. . .

At 6:47 PM, Blogger KC said...

now, I did know how to say your name, Persephone. :)

At 9:44 PM, Blogger K. Marie said...

That's OK ... most people think the double "n" in my name is pronounced "TR": Katrina.


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