Sunday, March 12, 2006

Is mopping really that hard to do?

Okay, the mop was invented in 1893 (by Thomas Stewart..HA) and to the best of my knowledge, it has been working pretty well thusfar. Anyway, they have invented a floor-washing robot called the Scooba. Are people really that lazy that they would spend $400 for a robot to clean their floors? Come on....really. Hire a housekeeper! Personally, I enjoy cleaning. If I had the time, our house would be spotless....but with dog hair.

I have decided to go back to school. I have the perfect schedule to accommodate this now. I think I will be going for my Mental Health degree. We have a Hospice Center nearby and I would like to work there as a Grief Counselor. I already do some of that now so I might as well get a degree for it.

Not a lot going on right now....which is a first. I've been reading everyone's blogs and I see that love is in the love, rejuvenating married love, etc. That's a good thing. I also see that people are getting discouraged with their weight loss/exercise. Don't beat yourselves up. Spring is right around the corner and you will be able to get out and about. Dust off those sneakers and move, move, move!

Big hugs to my buddies!


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