Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year (Eve)

2006, 2006, 2006, 2006.....okay, just practicing. I can't wait to begin anew. It is strange how just because of a change in year, we have the mindset that our lives will be reset. Sunday will still be Sunday; however, it will just feel like a fresh, new start. The Snyders have had a really rough year and I am ready for a change. As Bev put in her post.....I am surrendering. I have been praying for some relief.

I will be cooking our New Year dinner on Monday. I have to work tonight and tomorrow night so I won't be able to celebrate until then. My MIL's birthday is today so we'll celebrate that on Monday also. I bought some of the traditional Southern "good luck" favorites. I will be making a pork roast with sauerkraut in the crockpot, black-eyed peas, collard greens, and cornbread. I also got shrimp and cocktail sauce to gnosh on. Do you and your family have any New Year traditions (food, activities, etc.)?

My Inlaw's truck got stolen the other night. Turdasses. They apparently ditched it when they ran out of gas (ha ha ha, jokes on them....he doesn't keep much gas in it). It came back in relatively good shape except for the steering column. This truck must be a precious commodity because this was the second time it has been stolen (6 years ago this month). So, Mr. Thief, if you are out there, I hope you get lots of jail time for the New Year.

I wish I had something eloquent or even really powerful to pass along to you. I am a plethora of useless knowledge; however, I am having difficulty regurgitating any of my blabber. I hope that you and your family/friends have a super New Year. Please be safe.


At 12:24 PM, Blogger K. Marie said...

Happy New Year! Can I come eat with you guys? That sounds yummy.

I'm glad your in-laws got their truck back, slightly broken or no.

ca-ching! That's my N-Y's toast to you and a much better '06!


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