Not completely hardened....
When I awoke from a deep sleep early this morning and my first thought was of Julie, I finally realized that I am not completely hardened. I deal with death on a daily basis at work. When I was a Paramedic I was exposed to death, dying, and things that people should not have to be exposed to unless necessary. I have seen things that I will never erase from my mind. I cry about them....but not all of them. I typed this letter and submitted it this morning. If you feel the same...copy it, link to it, or write your own. I am not soliciting recognition, praise, or comments. This is simply for Julie's family.....
December 20, 2005
EAS, Inc.
555 Corporate Circle
Golden, Colorado 80401
303-279-6465 FAX
To Whom It May Concern:
I am a loyal Customer of EAS/Body for Life products and I am writing to you with a plea from the heart. As you are aware, Julie Whitt, died on December 19, 2005. The news has weighed heavy on so many hearts.
I completed a 12-week Challenge this past year with the intent of entering the contest. I changed my mind in hopes that someone who really deserved it would receive the prize. There has been much controversy of this year’s prize. Did the final 16 earn their place for the right reasons or did they do it for the money? I realize that this is an anniversary year and that the prize was upped for that purpose. The sheer volume of entries will prove that it has been a wonderful marketing tool.
The one person that I have seen do so much to promote the EAS/Body for Life lifestyle was Julie Whitt. She is the epitome of Body for Life. She had to work hard to get her body into shape in order to extend her life. She had to make her body stronger in order to be put on the transplant list. If you type in her name on any Search Engine, you will find the words Body for Life. If you type in Body for Life, you will see Julie’s name on so many Blogs and websites.
My plea is simple, please consider Julie’s family when you award this year’s prize. Body for Life was Julie’s life and her family supported her with it. The family has incurred an exorbitant amount of expenses in order for her to receive her lung transplant. Is she different from any other transplant recipient? No. But, has any other transplant recipient been so widely recognized for promoting EAS/Body for Life?
I want to thank you for your time and consideration.
Respectfully Submitted,
What a great idea,I think that is so cool, and I hope EAS listens and steps up to the plate.
awsome letter and a great idea to send it.
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