Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It ain't rocket science

Passing on some helpful information:

I am reading up on Blood Type/Food Combining and I think it makes a lot of sense. I know that K had been reading a book about foods to eat for your blood type but I don't think it included "food combining."

Believe it or not, certain foods actually work against each other when eaten together. For example, protein foods must be broken down with an acid enzyme and starches and carbohydrates require an alkaline enzyme. If you mix the two together you get a neutral solution. What does this mean? It means that the food doesn't digest. It just sits in your stomach. Does gas and bloating sound familiar?

Here's something else to chew on (HA). Fruits should be eaten 15 minutes before or 30 minutes or more after a meal....or eaten as a snack all by itself, otherwise, you could experience intestinal gas, bloating, sluggishness, or slower digestion.

Want more? Okay.....drinking water with meals....a big no-no. Well, there is an exception, fruits and vegetables do not require hydrochloric acid to break them down so it is okay to drink water with them. However, if you drink fluids while eating a protein meal, you will dilute the hydrocholoric acid which will in turn negatively affect efficient digestion.

Intrigued? Here's more.....exercise....O blood types require more exerice (aerobic and non-aerobic) and they are less prone to muscle and bone injuries (as long as their diet is balanced and nutritional supplements are taken). A blood types do better with gentle exercises (yoga, tai chi, or stretching) with some aerobic exercises to lose weight. Bs and ABs do well with moderate exercise.

Oh, and apparently wheat is not your friend. Wheat, like sugar, prevents weight loss. Whole wheat and white flour inhibit insulin from working properly at removing excess sugar from the blood.


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