Friday, October 14, 2005

After gentle prodding...

I was reminded that I have not written on my Blog recently.

My mom is coming to visit on Monday and I am excited to see her. She "abandoned" me a few years ago to live in a peaceful cabin in Kentucky. I have not been able to go see her for awhile so I am grateful that she is able to come see me a few times a year. I told Hubby that I needed to finish straightening the house up and he asked "Why is it that you clean the house for your mom but not for my parents? Are they not good enough for a clean house?" (Jokingly, of course) I know what I wanted to say but it came out as "Well, Mom sleeps in the bedroom and bathroom up there." Mr. Smarty Pants said "Well, if she sleeps in the bathroom then why do you make the bed." I love him dearly.

I had been eating fairly well until last weekend and it has been downhill ever since. I have lost a total of 6 lbs. though. I swear that M&M's should be on BFL's list because I repeatedly lose weight when I eat them!!!!! Oh yeah....and ice cream. I, like Jess, have not worked out for the past 3 weeks. I did something to my left leg and it feels like my femur bone is grinding inside my pelvic girdle...yea! So, the gym will be there when I am ready again.

I submitted my resume for a new job. I would like to be a Procurement Transplant Coordinator (organs). I really miss the people contact. I love talking to the families in person and what I do now is over the phone. *Keeping my fingers crossed* My Supervisor is very supportive of my decision.

I can't really think of anything else that is going on right now....but I know my Blog will also be there......when I am ready again.


At 9:27 PM, Blogger Christie said...

Oooooooh...good luck on the job thing, also, take care of that leg girl, I injured my ...ummm...ahem, "pubic area" a couple of weeks ago, and it hurt like crazy...have a great time with your mom girl.

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Stef said...

Even though you feel like you don't have much to say...we still read it! Good luck with the job thing!!!!

Stef :-)

At 5:10 PM, Blogger K. Marie said...

*Walk away from the blog, Karenna, walk away and keep your mouth shut about gentle prodding and pelvic injuries*


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