My First Blog Post

Who am I? Well, I am glad you asked. My name is Melanie and I have been happily married to my husband David for over two years (June 7, 2003). We met online at I highly recommend it for busy people that just are not into the whole "bar scene." We "met" online on December 7, 2002, and decided to meet in person that night. We knew quite early in the relationship that we were meant to be together (obviously). We have 2 English Springer Spaniels (Hunter and Libby) who we consider our children. They are spoiled rotten and, honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. We also have a rabbit (Savannah) who I lovingly call Stinkvannah! Man oh man, can her litter box get stinky quick.
I was introduced to BFL in January of this year and did my 12 Week Challenge. I did very well and then things kind of fell apart. David is currently looking for a job and things have been strained financially. I like to eat when I am stressed and I have been very tired with my work schedule. Needless to say, my BFL lifestyle got put on hold until I could commit to giving it my all.....for life. My friend from work, Tiffany, joined my gym and we have been working out weekly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It feels good and it is a step in the right direction. Food......gosh, I love another story.
What is going on today? Labor Day is winding down. I am currently at work and bored out of my mind. We just started working 12-hour shifts (36 hours per week) and this is Day 2. We all felt that this would be a better schedule to allow us more time off to spend with our families. Some weeks, we were working 6 days in a row! Yuck! After tomorrow night, I am actually going to have 3 days off. Whatever will I do?
What was the most exciting thing that has happened recently (it doesn't take much for me)? David just completed our kitchen backsplash. It is awesome. It is amazing that I can come up with a design and he can put it on a wall. He only had to make minor modifications to make it work. The section over the stove is his creation. I will post pics soon.
Well, that is all for today folks. Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah, I dunno about the spammin'. I looked and, someone's reading my Blog...and then I thought....but who are they?
Hey girl...yahoooooo everybody's bloggin...I wanna know what a backsplash is???? and don't get me started about chocolate!
A backsplash is the decorative thingamajigy that people put up on the wall between the cabinets and countertops. So like when your tomato sauce decides to explode, you have something to wipe off instead of paint. Ours is ceramic tile. I will post the pic later today (Wednesday). cool...GRREAT design girl, and I agree with Jess...hubby does great work!!
Hey Melanie!
I just found your blog...COOL! Russ and I met on also. He responded to my profile in February 2003, we met in person in March and were married in September. Small world! I will add you to my blog favorites and I will stop by again soon!
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